What is Sound Healing?
Sound healing is a growing field of alternative medicine that has been around for thousands of years. Music has been used throughout history to create positive effects on our mood and as a form of therapy to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Many people find that after practicing sound healing techniques, they experience an increase in energy, improved mental clarity, increased creativity, and better relationships. Best of all, it’s safe, affordable, and effective.
Sound healing is the use of specific instruments, music, tones, and other sonic vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It involves using specialised sound frequencies to create a therapeutic atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. Ideally, a hypnotic, meditative or theta brainwave state is created which allows access to deeper levels of inner wisdom and healing.
History of Sound Healing
Many cultures have used music and singing to heal the body and spirit since ancient times. Ancient Egyptians believed musical incantations could be an effective way to treat illness. Native American tribes also believed that certain sounds had healing powers. In the ancient Indian practice of nada yoga, yogis use sound vibrations to calm the mind and release stress.
The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras is known as the “father of music” as He discovered musical intervals and He was the first to prescribe music as medicine. He explored how harmonic frequencies could be used for healing, and applied these principles to everything from music, architecture, and government to family, friends and personal growth.
Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered the neurological effect of binaural beats in 1839. In 1896 American doctors discovered that music could improve blood flow and improve thought processes. British Osteopath Sir Peter Guy Manners developed a machine to produce therapeutic sound vibrations for healing cells in the body in the 1950s.
What is a Sound Bath?
Sound baths are the most common type of sound therapy that is lead by one or more musicians playing gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, temple bells, and other percussive instruments. A sound bath is a meditative experience where you lie down and allow your body and mind to be filled with soothing sounds.
A sound bath allows us to enter into a state of meditation, where we focus on the instruments and vibrations around us rather than our thoughts. It allows us to focus inwardly while still being aware of what is happening around us. When we listen carefully to these resonate sounds, we can hear the subtle differences in pitch, tone, volume, and rhythm. These variations create a sense of calmness and relaxation.
Known Benefits
It's been found that sound and music can be effective healers for a range of mental, emotional, and even physical ailments, and has been a valuable treatment for several conditions such as:
Anxiety disorders
Autism spectrum disorders
People with learning difficulties
Those with behavioural and psychiatric disorders
Sleep disorders
Aches and pains
Some cancers
Some of the most highly reported benefits of music therapy and sound healing include:
Reduced stress
Fewer mood swings
Lower blood pressure
Lower cholesterol levels
Better pain management
Reduced risk of strokes and coronary artery disease
Improved sleep
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Cellular Healing
In her book Sound Medicine, Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary refers to our cells having “antennae-like structures...called cilium that receive and respond to vibrational energy fields, such as sound, light and radio frequencies.” The existence of cilium is why the state of our physical bodies, in addition to our mental perspective, is impacted so positively by sound healing modalities. The sound vibrations are imparting a healing effect at the cellular level of our physical being that is being received by these cilium structures.
Everything that has an atomic structure has a vibration. The speed or rate at which it is vibrating is called its frequency. The most ideal frequency for an object to naturally vibrate is called its resonance. Every cell, organ, and bone in our body has its unique resonant vibrational frequency. When illness takes hold, at a fundamental level the vibrational resonance of that structure has been compromised, or become “dissonant”. The goal of sound healing or sound therapy is to bring all the systems in the body out of a state of dissonance, back to a state of resonance.